does a few things differently than many of the other online bidding sites that allow for a higher psychological level of penny auction strategy to be developed. This page takes a look at the top skoreit tips and strategy including the use of your profile and the skoreit bid agent.
These strategies and tips, as well as our Skoreit review are designed to give you an idea of what you can do on and how best to utilize your options.
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This course is designed to teach you techniques that you can use to win more at skoreit. This is not simply a buy a gazillion bids and establish a power bidding persona. Instead this is a strategy that sets you up to win auctions through careful planning, research and strategic game play. You will learn strategic game plays that you can use to give yourself the best chance of winning over the long term.
The goal is to win more in value than you spend on bids over the long term.
The Masterclass is an email series detailing my exact strategies I’ve used to win thousands of dollars worth of auctions on since December of 2010.
I am probably never going to publish all of the techniques and tactics directly on this website. I do not need that much extra free competition as I’m still playing on today! If you have to enter your email address, at least half of you looking for advice to win on will not bother to enter your email address so we can keep the strategies to those who really want it.
Enter your name and email address in the form above to receive the free guide to winning more on in your inbox.
More Tips
Managing your Skoreit Profile – As my young kids say, bidders either “have their stuff turned on or off”. If you have your profile turned on, you can let others see information about you as a bidder including won auctions in the past 28 days, the auctions they are currently bidding on and any auctions they are watching.
This profile allows for a higher level of psychological warfare.
The question is what do other people think about you and what image does your profile project to the competition?
Generally if you are winning items you want to show your stats. Winners win. If there is someone with a profile full of wins then psychologically other people think ‘that guy wins a lot and I’m going to pick a different spot.’
However, if you only have a handful of wins with a low number of bids on the results sheet then many bidders will battle you thinking that you are a count down bidder (being that guy who takes the auction down to the 5 second mark initially but then gives up when resistance is shown).
Ideally, your profile should show a handful of won auctions with impressive bid amounts in amongst your other wins.
Most bidders will challenge someone who has their stuff turned off, especially if you are new and a name people are not familiar with. Most bidders who have their profile turned on usually do one of two things, they either leave their 28 day winning bid history on and everything else off or leave everything on. The ability to show or hide your information allows for the psychological battle that penny auctions are to be fully explored and exploited. This feature is somewhat rare in the online penny auction world and should be used to full advantage employing psychological tactics.
My Profile Snapshot

Example of an effective public profile
Sign up for our Masterclass Winning Guide via email and I’ll share the tactics I used to win like this!
More Penny Auction Tips
Here are some links to additional penny auction tips, advice and strategies to win.
Please take a moment to review and rate in our penny auction rankings or you can see our editorial skore it review for an in depth look at this site! Thank you!